Archive for future

I request a part of Liability Salvage special compensation be paid me today

Posted in bio, culture, Current, funding, innovation, music applied, social responsibility, The function of the artist with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 2, 2010 by pattieallbeef

There are four elements must exist in order to get the salvage award:
(i) there should be recognized subject matter;

Duh, Oil Spill in the Gulf

(ii) the subject of the salvage must be in danger at sea;

(iii) the salvor must be volunteers; and
Having spent over 100 hours of my time and out of pocket expenses to do this on my own initiative I that that qualitifies.
Yes, I even have witnesses and documentation to back that up.

(iv) the service must be successful.
Element (i) recognized subject matter
Traditionally, salvage only recognizes as a ship or craft, cargo on board, freight payable and bunkers carried on board as the subject of property in danger. The concept of property has been expanded by the 1989 Salvage Convention.
The Convention recognizes saving life as an independent subject of salvage but the protection of the environment is the subject of salvage. Oil pollution can cause damage to the environment. If the salvor had prevented oil pollution from happening, he indeed performed a valuable service to the community as mentioned by (1997) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 323 (HL), pp 326–28. Therefore, the salvor will be rewarded with special compensation, i.e. ‘liability salvage’ instead of ‘property salvage’.
Element (ii) real danger

Well, iv is not proven yet, but a solid argument on the research data I have make a good case for success along with the people I spoke with. I think that a portion of the special liability salvage compensation is due now so that this can be shown to be the case with prototype simulations and real-physics modelling.

which costs money, so that should get paid for. What’s fair? I dunno.
Let’s just talk about today August 2nd, 2010. I would like $50,000 for work to date done at my time and out of pocket expense.

is proof.

Payable today please.
$20K goes to hire some employees and pay their benefits.
$30K is split equally among my partners by written agreement and so $10K goes to each partner.

Of my $10k, I choose to buy $5000 in stock in one corporation and spend the remaining $5,000 on capital equipment to take this to the next step.

Anyerism! an original play dedicated to a friend

Posted in culture, Current, funding, innovation, music applied, nonrational physics, social responsibility, The function of the artist with tags , , , , , , , on July 16, 2010 by pattieallbeef


Featuring a representive gathering of all Mythical Entities in the
collective human psyche to once and forever resolve the Catholic /
Protestant problem of which all agree is a collective responsibility
they all have been slacking on.

This play, whatever final forms it manifests, is a tardy graduation
present to Ms Vicki H, for her 20 Calations reunion. “I didn’t know
you until very recently” being the extenuating circumstances for it’s
tardy (still better than n ever) presentation. Ms Vicki is also
credited for re- awkening childhood memories that I actually did
theater at a fairly early age such I forgot about those experiences
and only with those flashbacks could I realize this was meant to be a
play. The Titanic sequence was also her inspiration.

Dramatis Personna
1. Guy – having a near death experience where his head is used as a
venue for a gathering of mythical beings during an anyerism surgery.
This is adrogynous role and could even be a male female dual role ( 2

2. Medical Droid – to perform operation and narrarate some required
info to connect audience to situation. Ian Banks Culture type droid.

3. Trinity of Mythical Entities – first approach and ask guy for
permission to. Rent his head for the gathering.

4. Mythical Entities gathered to resolve the Catholic Protestant
issue. These are composites of characters found in kids stories from
all different cultures: talking animals with magic powers mostly.

5. Goat – propses Buddhism solution
6. Pisces – seconds the motion
7. Speaker for group – warns about getting involved. An elephant in
many morphing transmogs but flashing to a recurring blind men
(attempting describing an elephant based on what part they are
touching) to show how everyone can be correct in a sense despite
contrary language. An elephant is like a tree the one touching the
leg exclaims, no a wall says the one holding a side. A snake says one
holding tail. One blind man stuck his hand in dung and remarks ”
Odd I’d have to say an elephant is kinda soft and mushy the way it
feels to me.

Act I – the venue is chosen

Opening on a crowded transit terminal broken by the shout “anyerism!
Everyone stand aside”. The crowd parts to reveal a medical ‘droid
zooming in to assist someone having a brain anyerism along with
narraration describing the medical procedure (used today). Droid does
a soliloquy that equates to searching it’s memory banks for all data
“the main problem is the blood pressure which makes plugging a hole in
delicate capillaries in your brain a tad difficult; and standard
procedure solves this problem by rendering the patient clinically dead
for 10 minutes so no bloodflow will take place. The anyerism is sealed
and fixed and patient is revived via CPR”

The droid tells the guy this is your only option over a fatal brain
hemmorage and need your permission to go ahead – and the guy says go
for it. What else is one to do under the circumstances?

The droid preps and begins the standstill operation which involves
cooling body temp and inducing cardiac arrest to stop bloodflow. (I
can go into the gory details if it helps). TMI droid…

Fade to black – almost the guy is lying clinically dead while droid is
sealing anyerism.

Before total fade, up come 3 lights which are a trinity of Mythical
Entities making guy an offer. Since he’s clinically dead they want to
rent his head to hold their gathering and as age old tradition offer
guy that in return (for the use of his head) they grant his full
recovery and to recall the experience if desired or have it permanent
wiped before he regains consciousness. Of course he says yes: “so
this means I recover and go on as if nothing happened?”
“only with the memory of what happens with us, which you are free to
do with as you choose including the option to have it wiped for good”
Do I need to think that over?
Dude! no fine print is there?

Venue is decided. AThe guys head while clinically dead during an
anyerism surgery.

Act ii – the gathering begins

And light changes to reveal each Mythical Entity present and
introduces self to the group. They all thank the guy for allowing the
group to use his head while he is having a Near Death E xperience as
such is the only way these matters can be done – one of those
conditions for tangible manifestation on this plane ya know…
The elephant is obviously chosen speaker for the group and is used to
convey additional explanations to the audience as need be.

The problem is presented as one Entity recalls an Irishmsn’s
definition of (paraphrase of a real quote) “Ireland = 200 sq miles
inhabited by two groups of people who speak the same language,
worship essentially the same god whose command is “thou shalt not
kill” and use the fact they have different names for minor bits as an
excuse to blow each others brains out whenever convenient; and commit
any other atrocity desired against the other group of people.”

All Mythical Entities agree to fix the problem and admit they should
have done it long ago but tWas an unexpected difficulty and so we all
procrastinated until everyone decided time to fix it is long overdue….

A few more stories are told and a few QA dialogs held (as needed.)

Bottom line – No one has an answer.

From way in the back the Goat ( Chinese astrology and Capricorn of
the Zodiac morph ) says:

Why not secretly convert both sides to Buddhism, because it is silly
to argue about the differences between Catholic and Protestant
Buddhism. They just won’t be aware they converted but must of own
free will do so. Since True Nirvana only occurs at the moment of
enlightenment of ALL sentient beings it sorta makes infighting a no-no
by default does it not?

Light moves around the gathering of Entities to catch each reaction
while some whisper to one another in the background. All have s
bewildered expression “you have an interesting point but some piece is

Consensus; spoken by the Elephant in magistrate robes explains ” Goat,
that makes too much sense, it’ll never work…”

Except Pisces ( two fish connected in the middle swimming on opposed
directions, that Zodiac symbol ) who says:
Hey that’s brilliant! I second the motion!

Elephant explains now it’s been seconded we move to discussion.

Act iii debate and discussion

This act can be long or short as works best as the Entities debate how
such might transpire. Involve soliloquy and dialog between Entities.

But concludes with guy whose head is being rented saying to the effect:
I studied Buddhism in college the key is novalist Hermann Hesse.

Act final
All entities look at guy who is in some disembodied representation and
say in unison “could you please elaborate on what you just said”

Guy explains by events in Hesse’s life and quoting his works the only
bridge between Buddhism and the Western mindset is through Hesse. The
only way you can secretly convert both sides to Buddhism by free will
is through some popular rendition of his works…

Elephant now dressed in a clerk outfit warns guy:
We value your input but going further means you are now involved; this
is the point of no return are you sure you wish to procede?

Guy says Jack Dawson became involved the moment Rose ran past him;
intent on jumping off the stern of RMS Titanic – in the film anyhow,
alright so I’m involved – it is my head we are all using for this
gathering of course I’m involved.

We mean it can no longer be wiped from your memory should you choose
that option…

Did Mr Dawson request a memory wipe or did he just ‘go for it’ when
opportunity knocked?

Flash in those scenes from Titanic either re-enactment or film clips
displayed in some way the audience can grasp.

Sudden jolt as the defibrulator is applied in reality. Every entity –
“shit they have been getting much faster lately.”

Guy ” what? It’s over? No I don’t want to go this is a really cool

Entities start to fade as guy is brought back to consciousness – final
unison of all Entities ” ‘go for it’ we will help anytime we are
able”. Entities all fade away waving goodbye.

Fade to near black the bright lights instant on patient waking up
uninjured and healed thinking outloud while gently pushing away
medical droid who is fussing over him “My that WAS an interesting
experience – first thing I need to do is start a rock band” 🙂
Then “Steppenwolf got taken we will need a new name…”

The End

US/China co-invented musical instrument

Posted in bio, culture, Current, funding, innovation, music applied, social responsibility, The function of the artist, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 2, 2010 by pattieallbeef

Named the “Mic Violin:” by my co-inventor student in china and her friend to show her understanding of homonyms (my name being Mike and the 2 string Chinese violin is mic’d to plug into effects units and amplifiers). A more accurate description of the instrument being an electric low string tremelo Erhu.

Net profits to be divided as follows, 1/6 and 1/6 to each Student. !/6 to myself, 1/6 my UK partner, and 1/6 my Australian Partner, 1/6 to help fund music programs in K-12.

In other words my 1/2 ownership is being split equally according to contract with the UK and Australia thus the 1/6.

I swear under all applicable statues and on my mother’s grave the above is true. Furthermore I release all other parties from any liability and bear that responsibility of my own free will.

We should start today to prepare for the worst

Posted in bio, culture, Current, funding, innovation, music applied, nonrational physics, social responsibility, The function of the artist, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 1, 2009 by pattieallbeef

Hope for the best of course; but prepare for the worst. Is this not what might be termed wise?

Stormy week wasn’t it.
1. Sandstorm near Sydney, Australia
2. Huge one in the Philippines
3. Earthquake in Samoa

I add my 2 cents. I never had allergies in SF before until this year and last week was bad as a typical day in Michigan (part reason why I moved). So, what’s up with all this. I do not have the talent to run a planetary ecology simulation in my head, not close. I don’t know. But so what? People talk, listen to what they say. There is direct talk about this being some effect of our making. Everywhere, I was surprised.

So, let us forget about the arguments against and assume it’s all going downhill fast. What do we need to do as a global civilization to prepare our peoples in the event of any situation. Boils down to three items:

1. Plan- for the worst case: individual communities are on their own and no hope for external help/rescue
2. Prepare – supplies, infrastructure, services, interim leadership, communications, everything.
3. Educate – the public what to do in case of, reassure them these preparations are in effect and how to access them

And, let us be smart and turn this into a global business opportunity to fix the economy while we are at it.

Demand? Yes, big time if you consider what worst case might be:

Comet spirals and collides with the planet eradicating 99% of civilization in one fell swoop. What is left?
Isolated communities that survive this disaster on their own.

Each community must be able to
1. generate power, produce heat, and clean water indefinitely
2. grow, hunt, or gather food indefinitely
3. provide medical, government, and education services indefinitely
4. rebuild civilization or get swept away forever

Holy Shit! That’s a tall order, so we better get moving don’t you think? Assume pockets of each culture will survive so everyone is fairly represented. That’s a good reason for us to drop our petty differences and deal with the pressing matter at hand. Hello STORMY WEEK WASN’T IT?

What did I do? I dropped everything and started THIS No it’s not much, but it’s action, a start, and something to go on. You know the bit about if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem? I’ve been such a pain in the ass most of my life I decided to be part of the solution this time.

I’m very tired too. I wanted to learn the Hungarian Gypsy scale and smoke pot. I didn’t really want to do this extra work you know.

Idea. Let’s all put our heads together and make it work for everyone’s benefit. Is it possible. Definitely. Called a Group Consensual Serendipity.

Take the economic situation. Let’s isolate each regions needs and what they can deliver – which can be know-how, advice, technology, food, or anything it is not important. Make a list.

Now do the same with all the other problems we are facing. Education, healthcare, Diplomacy, everything.
Define each as a regions’ needs and deliverables.

When you do it for the world, you’d be surprised how every region can deliver something useful, get its needs met and solve problems at the same time. Analogy, a little thing called the ecosystem, which works in practice so we being smart can get this idea to work too.

Put it in economic terms – profit margins, assets and liabilities. Better yet – joint ventures, partnerships, and alliances. Analogy, remember the food chain? It’s a cycle where the big fish die and become food for bacteria? Yes, that part. Same concept here.

Helping all artists survive in these changing times

Helping all artists survive in these changing times

What does this have to do with a band? Well that’s a lot of people to reach isn’t it – the entire population of the planet. How, exactly do you suppose you are going to reach that many diverse people quickly and en masse?

Start with that bit, there’s more.

the superhero band show thing

Posted in culture with tags , , , , , , , on July 15, 2009 by pattieallbeef

Is based a lot on This Sci Fi Society created by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks and involves a spaceship bigger than this planet with at least 1000 years past our technology from the Culture deciding to go rogue because it wants to see what running Special Circumstances with musicians on a primitive world will turn out.

This Eccentric GSV “Disambiguation of Festive Moments” and it essentially pays musicians to play superhero in real life. Giving a lot of advanced tech to help out with super powers and in dire need can be called on to “alter the nature of reality” by a few covers and originals it happens to be in the mood for at the moment.

That pretty much explains the superhero role, the powers and tech, and opens a big door for episodes and plots and such.

Idea is to mix animation with real footage, shoot around different locations.

The Gigawatt phonon “laser” will be animated, the rock climbing R/C truck with an amp and two way audio video will be real and used to shoot some footage remotely.
this truck

future proof digital archived data?

Posted in innovation, music applied, nonrational physics, social responsibility with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 16, 2009 by pattieallbeef

There’s a fairly large thread on regarding how to “future proof” digital archived documents. here

And there’s talk about storage media, file formats, standards, specs, etc. Future is not defined, we could mean 10 years from now, 100, 1000. So far I’ve seen a few really good answers and IMHO the best is this one: based on encoding data as a function of the vibration of common atomic properties (at least on this world) more or less a universal standard and there’s even a mathematics based self decoding algorithm

And I will quote the author of that post directly

Both formats should stand the test of time and guarantee that your data and documents will be able to be reconstructed by ambitious archeologists several eons from now. Although, neither can be read by the average monkey.

by PsychGen – 5/3/09 11:01 AM

Well, I can think of a way to solve this part of the problem. You know those songs that stick in your head…

see this